Your Virtual Assistant: What Clients Are Saying About LexHelper

LexHelper values our relationships with clients. We work with lawyers across the country from solo and small firms to large agencies. Check out why our clients recommend LexHelper as the virtual legal assistant for the law office.

“Their work is professional and consistent, and their agents are a pleasure to work with… One of the most important improvements we have seen is an improvement in our customer service and an increase in the actual amount of calls managed as opposed to those callers hanging up or going to voicemail.

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LexHelperYour Virtual Assistant: What Clients Are Saying About LexHelper

Strategic Partners: LexHelper teams with Calendly to boost customer service

LexHelper is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with another Atlanta-based startup, Calendly.

“We are always looking for ways to improve our process and our integration with our attorneys,” says LexHelper founder and CEO Rhett Marlow. “Calendly enables us to integrate across multiple systems.…

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LexHelperStrategic Partners: LexHelper teams with Calendly to boost customer service