Legal Answering Services in Georgia

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Seasoned legal professionals can tell you with certainty that the phone never stops ringing. At various points of the day, you’ll be assisting new clients who want your advice on an important topic. You’ll help existing clients who wish to get an update on their case or make an appointment to come into the office. Or, you’ll be working with another attorney who is attempting to get in contact with you for settlement. If your law firm is receiving more calls than you can manage, our call answering services are the solution. 

All of these tasks are important, to be sure – but they also eat up a tremendous amount of your time. In the legal profession, time is money – and every minute you’re spending answering the phone is a minute you’re not devoting to more critical matters.

Sure, you could hire a legal receptionist or two – but that isn’t necessarily the money-saving opportunity you think it is. According to one recent study, annual salaries for legal receptionists range between $26,760 and $72,890 per year. Depending on your firm’s size, you may need to hire two or more in-person legal receptionists to keep up with incoming call volumes – costs that quickly add up in more ways than one.

Or, you could turn to our innovative blend of legal call answering services – an opportunity to accomplish several important goals, all at the same time.

The Power of Legal Call Answering Services: Breaking Things Down

When you invest in our legal call answering services, you get access to a team of professionals who are:

  •  knowledgeable about your industry
  • who can help free up as much of your valuable time as possible so that you can focus on those matters that truly need you
  • an experienced legal assistant that is readily accessible

One of our legal call answering professionals will answer your phone at any time of day or night, all in a way that will make it seem like someone from your own office is on the other end of the line.

They’ll work hard to gather all the information you need, including

• accurate information from a first-time caller 

• qualifying leads 

• or information from an existing client so that you can fully understand their cares and concerns – all with the empathy and professionalism you want to project from the business you worked so hard to build.

How Can Hiring a Legal Call Answering Service in Georgia Help My Law Firm? 

Instead of acquiring the costs of hiring and training new receptionists, our legal call answering services in Georgia are a cost-effective alternative. Our call answering services are helpful and infinitely more scalable, allowing you to ramp up or pull back our services as demand requires.

But more than that, you’ll have access to a team of people who are available to answer your phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You’ll never have to worry about missing that next big case or opportunity because one of your in-house employees has gone home for the night. Regardless of the time of day, someone will always be available to create the best possible impression for your law office or legal practice – which may very well be the most crucial benefit of all. Are you interested in our legal call answering services but want to test it out first? Claim your 7-day free trial now by visiting

In addition to never missing a call again, just a few of the benefits you get to enjoy with our legal call answering services in Georgia include:

  • An experienced receptionist that is always available to help potential new clients.
  • A knowledgeable receptionist that can assist current clients. 
  • Working with an experienced company that understands how important your new and existing clients are. 

Our live receptionists – all of whom have extensive legal experience – are ready to focus on what your incoming leads have to say. Ease the burden of your already busy paralegals and avoid the use of impersonal (and unprofessional) call centers. Each team member will always be warm and welcoming when collecting new information, exactly as it should be.

  • Your first line of screening. We take the time to learn as much about you and your practice as possible, all so that we can come up with the right questions to ask every time a new lead calls your line. Not only does this simplify the intake process for attorneys like yourself, but it also allows us to qualify leads faster than ever.
  • Flexible support. It doesn’t matter whether you need us to work 24 hours a day, want coverage for after-hours support, are looking for help with overflow to account for call volume fluctuations or other administrative tasks. Regardless of the timeframe you need, we’re here with the level of care and quality assistance you deserve.
  • We are gathering the information you need to do more. All of our live receptionists maintain a complete log of every call you receive. Not only that, but our call system can be synced with the CRM you’re already using to uncover trends and patterns that would have otherwise gone undiscovered. You’ll have more insight than ever into retained clients, repeat clients, and more – all so that you can make more actionable and informed decisions all the time.

Next Steps To Growing Your Law Firm

Our legal call answering services’ most significant benefit can be summed up in a single word: relationships. It would be best if you had clients understand that you’re willing to go above and beyond, doing whatever it takes to achieve the results they deserve. Even when you don’t necessarily have the time to answer the phone, we’re here to assist you and continue to help with your success trajectory as a legal professional moving forward.

So if you’d like to find out more information about the many benefits of our legal call answering services in Georgia, or if you’d like to discuss the specifics of your own needs with someone in a bit more detail – contact us today at 866-758-9728

Languages Our Paralegals Speak:


LexHelperLegal Answering Services in Georgia